God and Tao
"The highest state is to be a reflection, an echo, of God. We are all part of the divine being, which is the universe, but is more than the universe. The biggest question is: Will you be a true reflection of God, or a distorted one? Accept the reality where you yourself don’t exist, only God exists."
Appealing (AppealingFilm.com)
The distinction being made here is the difference between pantheism and panentheism. In the former, the universe and God are the same thing; in the latter, God is a superset of the universe. The distinction is very important (if you’re a theologian anyway). This concept can be found in certain forms of Christian mysticism and Jewish Kabbalah. It can also be seen as roughly equivalent to the concept of Tao is Taoism — if you replaced the word God with the word Tao in the above quote, it becomes indistinguishable from concepts in the Tao Te Ching.