The meaning of life in roughly half an hour
Hi all!
What if you could review 2500 years of religious/philosophical thought, plus find out the meaning of life?
Would it be worth 35 minutes of your time?
Of course, I’m being a bit hyperbolic, but just a bit.
Appealing: An audio drama — Christine, a young attorney on the brink of death, finds herself at the gates of heaven and hell. Having summarily received a sentence to hell, she demands an appeal. This sets her on a path of spiritual and psychological discovery through Kubler-Ross's five stages of dying, and 2500 years of religious thought.
Here is a link to a draft version: (REMOVED — CONTACT ME FOR A LINK)
I’m sending this out to my subscribers because I think you’ll find it interesting.
What do you think? Let’s have a conversation!
Steve Shaffer