Sitemap - 2023 - Mysticism 2020
3000 year old advice that still works today
Such as no language may declare
God became man so that man might become God
Appealing (film) now available for streaming
A dollar is better than eternal happiness
What is left when you eliminate everything with a name?
The Pretension of Dogmatic Beliefs
The Spirit of God descends into Jesus
The thing that thought cannot think
The Psychology of Mystical States
Render unto logic the things that are logical
Bringing us back to what we already know
Limited time: Free access to my new movie
Should we scare the hell out of children?
Language learning and un-learning
Why mystics are hard to understand
Upcoming movie you might be interested in
The true meaning of "selflessness"
When someone asks if you're a god, you say YES.
Consciousness and the peace of Jesus Christ
From theoretical logic to mysticism
What Christian mystics can learn from Zen
Let the dead bury the dead: Religious organizations and the death of the Spirit
Tears in rain, language, and ice cream
Biblical directive or social engineering?
The web of belief: Kierkegaard, Wittgenstein, Quine and mysticism
On the logical necessity of mysticism, Part 1